Such wonderful memories

Created by Jennifer 11 months ago

There are so many trivial day to day events that always make me think of you. You gave me so many wonderful childhood memories and i’ve always had such a clear image of you leaning on the kitchen counter, blue jeans, pastel jumper, permed hair, gazing out of the kitchen window 

A few memories that stand out to me…

Thinking my Nan was SO cool for having a PlayStation! I loved watching you play Lara Croft and throw your arms across the room to encourage her to jump-Morgan is learning to play Sonic (or ‘Phonics’ as Riley calls it) and she does the exact same thing! Makes me smile and think of you every time … and hearing you shout ‘oh ship’ every time you lost a life, so funny

Playing ‘Simon’ on your stairs 

Your bag of ‘crisp’ that hung on the back of the door - always a great selection 

Turning the little handle on your plastic lettuce bowl as fast as i could and watching it spin round and round 

Driving over to yours on a Sunday and KNOWING there would be apple crumble on offer. No-one will ever beat that crumble 

Being terrified of your cats (thanks for the phobia!) I’ve never been so scared as when i woke up with a cat on my chest 

The smell of your bins and your little shed down the side of your house … a strange but vivid memory 

Watching you feed cheese triangles to the cat and thinking you were absolutely crackers!

Learning that you’d stopped smoking out of the blue, i was always so proud of you for that 

Looking back it’s the smallest most insignificant things that have stuck with me and feel so important. Thank you so much for all you did for us. You had more of an impact on me than you will ever know 

Rest in peace Nan, love you lots